Another well-forgotten new treatment that doesn’t really exist

If with the help of bacteriophages it is possible to successfully get rid of harmful bacteria, then why not try to get rid of harmful cancer cells with the help of bacteria or viruses? Anything that can destroy cells can theoretically be useful for the treatment of cancer. And it is possible that it is with the help of microorganisms that cancer in all its manifestations will be defeated.

Have you ever wondered why, with all the achievements of modern science, many cancers continue to remain incurable. Especially if the disease was detected not at an early stage, but later.

Three reasons.

First, cancer has not yet been fully studied, and in many cases, let’s face it, studied only superficially. Of course, such knowledge is not enough to win. It is not that scientists are trying badly, they are trying just very well, with all their might, but that our body stores a lot of secrets. And very often it happens that trying to find the answer to one question leads not to the answer, but to a dozen other questions.

Secondly, cancers are very viable, resistant and able to multiply rapidly. Tumor cells destroyed during treatment are immediately replaced with new ones. In addition, they are able to multiply throughout the body, and not only in the place of their origin. So it turns out sometimes, as in the myth Of the lernaean Hydra. The hero cuts down one head, and instead of it three grow, cuts down three-nine grow.

Thirdly, it is necessary to destroy tumor cells carefully, so that at the same time not to kill a sick person.

So imagine the situation – on the one hand, tumor cells are more stable than ordinary cells of the body and have the ability to rapidly uncontrolled reproduction, and on the other hand, doctors have to act in the interests of ordinary, less stable cells.

How to destroy a strong enemy, whose soldiers are scattered among the weak civilian population, our allies, so that the enemy was killed and the civilian population is not affected?

Bombing or shelling from afar will certainly kill part of the civilian population, if not all completely. A massive offensive is also not suitable-until you get to the enemy, you will destroy many civilians, behind whom the enemy will hide. And what if we entrust the destruction of enemies to special agents who will quietly pass by civilians, without causing them any harm, and will cause “point” strikes on the enemies? Overtake anywhere-and destroy. No enemy soldier from special agents will not leave and will not hide.

These are the “special agents” and try to make some microorganisms, most often bacteria, adapting them to fight tumor cells. The idea is good first of all because microorganisms can not cause such harm to the sick body as radiation or chemotherapy. And, most likely, will not cause harm at all-will do the business and will leave with the world.

Imagine such a situation, or rather-a conditional model. Because cancer cells multiply rapidly where it is not provided by nature, their clusters-tumors-do not have a blood supply. Over time, blood vessels grow into the tumor, but at the initial stage of its existence, the tumor does not receive all that blood can bring. Including oxygen. The lack of blood supply adversely affects the nutrition of tumor cells, but at the same time makes them invulnerable to drugs that are carried through the body with blood. If you want to influence the “young” tumor with some chemical substance, it must be injected directly into the tumor.

And what if anaerobic (that is, do not need “pure” oxygen of the air) bacteria are introduced into such a tumor? Bacterial cells will begin to compete with tumor cells and can win this competition. Especially if you make them more resistant with genetic engineering. As a result of victory, tumor cells will be killed and “eaten” by bacteria. “Eaten” in the sense that dead tumor cells will become a source of nutrients for bacteria. And subsequently from become unnecessary bacteria can be get rid of under aid bacteriophages or antibiotics…

Consider another model. One of the ways to combat tumor cells is chemotherapy-the use of toxic substances that affect not only the cells of malignant tumors, but also the entire body of a sick person. Unpleasant this treatment, even very, but it is shown in those cases, when speech goes about life and death. Well, you know… of Course, the cherished dream of all oncologists is the dream that poisonous drugs act only on tumors, without causing harm to the patient’s body. The dream is good, but how to fulfill it? The drug is injected into the blood and spreads throughout the body, affecting both diseased cells and healthy ones. Well, if you can inject the drug directly into the tumor, but this possibility is not always.

And what if you introduce into the body (that is, into the blood) a completely safe drug that does not have a toxic effect, and make it turn into a poison directly in the tumor, at the place of its action?

You will say that this is a problem from the field of fiction?

Not at all!

Let’s say there is (or has been genetically engineered) a strain of bacteria for which these tumor cells are the most preferred habitat. This time.

Suppose that these bacteria produce a chemical substance, such as a protein, capable of combining with the harmless substance that we have introduced into the body, and that the combination of these two substances is a potent poison? That’s two.

Add the first with the second, and you get a solution to a problem that at first seemed fantastic to you. No fiction, science and only science.

Science can do a lot… Genetic engineers can lay in bacteria used to treat cancer, a program of self-destruction after the main task-the complete destruction of tumor cells. In this case, you do not have to mess with bacteriophages and antibiotics. The moor did his work and went quietly away, blowing us a farewell kiss.

For gene engineers, bacteria are a favorite ” work object.” Tell me why? Yes because they (bacteria, not engineers) willingly absorb someone else’s DNA in the form of plasmids. Figuratively speaking, what bacteria do not feed, they all devour and adapt to the case. Can you imagine the scope for experiments? Geneticists joke that the only impossible thing is to “insert” bacteria wings, everything else with bacteria can be done without problems.

Another common way to deal with tumor cells is radiation or radiation therapy-the impact on the tumor ionizing radiation, harmful to all life. In everyday life, this method is called “irradiation”.

Ruinous to all living things! Including for normal cells of the body. Even if you make a” beam ” of rays narrow and direct it exactly at the tumor, the part of living cells through which the beam will pass on the way to the tumor will suffer. And the cells surrounding the tumor also suffer from radiation…

What if you create a strain of bacteria… Then probably can not continue, and so everything is clear. To tumors rush aimed at them bacteria, carrying on their membranes radioactive atoms. The cells surrounding the tumor will still suffer from radiation, but not to the same extent as with hardware irradiation.

The simplest model we will analyze last. Here, in fact, there is nothing to disassemble-microorganisms (not necessarily bacteria, but, for example, mushrooms) settle in their “favorite” tumor and begin to actively secrete substances that destroy tumor cells.

Everything that has been said above is possible not only theoretically, but also practically. There are reports on the experiments carried out. In a number of experiments, positive results were obtained.

But nevertheless treatment of oncological diseases by means of microorganisms is a myth today.

“Microorganisms against cancer” is a myth!

It begs the question-why? After all, there are so many reports of conducted experiments … these Experiments were conducted in reputable scientific organizations… there are positive results… How can we talk about a myth?

The answer is obvious – the author of this book is bribed by those whom bacteria can deprive of huge profits. All these medical and okolomeditsinskie mafia, all those who tries to treat cancer “on old-fashioned way” and produces drugs and equipment for this, any price try to thwart use of bacteria in treatment tumors. Ah and so on, you can develop subject another global conspiracy on their own.

Those who are not inclined to believe in world conspiracies can read on.

Cancer is not a single disease, but a collection of very different diseases, which are based on uncontrolled (abnormal) cell reproduction. There are more than two hundred kinds of cells in our body, and most of them are capable of this uncontrolled reproduction.

The use of microorganisms in the treatment of diseases is a very promising topic. Recently, the possibilities of science (and first of all-genetic engineering) allow us to deal with this topic seriously. Of course, many experiments are conducted around the world on the use of certain bacteria to affect certain tumor cells. According to the results of the experiments, articles are published in scientific journals. Cancer is one of the most popular modern topics, so the message about “a new way to treat cancer” immediately appears in the media. The abundance of such reports, combined with the authoritative institutions and clinics in which the experiments were carried out, gives readers far from medicine the wrong impression that cancer can be successfully treated with bacteria or, say, yeast. It is written – positive results are received!

Yes, received. But we must understand what the words “positive result” mean in relation to the experiment and in relation to the treatment of the disease.

When we say that the use of a certain drug for the treatment of a disease gave a positive result, we mean a complete cure or elimination of exacerbation, if we are talking about a chronic disease. Simply put ,a “positive result” means that the drug really and significantly helps to improve the condition of a sick person.

A “positive result” in an experiment is any result, however small, that meets the expectations of the experimenters. Anyone!

Let’s understand the difference by example.

If during the experiment it is established that the introduction of such and such bacteria into the tumor led to the death of a certain number of tumor cells (for example – five percent of the total number), then this is a clear and undoubted positive result. You can publish an article and continue the research further, achieving one hundred percent death of tumor cells under the influence of substances secreted by these bacteria.

If the drug is found in a clinical trial, it kills only five percent of tumor cells – only five percent! – that such result will be recognized negative, and the preparation ineffective. Pay attention-not “ineffective”, and “inefficient”. The small effect begins with the death of about twenty percent of tumor cells.

Not every positive result obtained during the experiment means that an effective drug has been found. You need to remember this while reading the “sensational” reports about the emergence of a new drug against cancer.

And you need to remember that from the” positive ” experiment to obtain a new drug can take years. And another couple of years can go to clinical trials of a new tool.

How long! What did you want?” The positive result must be confirmed in a series of experiments. Then this result needs to be improved to such an extent that it would be possible to think about creating a drug. Drugs are created not by magic, but as a result of long-term work. Time, time, time! And during clinical trials, not only the result of the drug, but also the consequences of its use are evaluated, so that the participants of the experiment are observed after the completion of treatment. At least – within six months, and it would be better-within a year. As would what not ‘ – suddenly used for treatment bacteria will cause defeat any body, which some time will evolve secretively, asymptomatic, and then suddenly will manifest itself across its unsightly beauty. Are you glad that you got rid of one problem? Get another one! Therefore, doctors in clinical trials seventy-seven times “measure” before allowing the use of the drug. The history of medicine knows many examples of how the hasty introduction of a drug into practice turned into trouble.

The message about the next positive experiment should be understood as follows: “it is Possible that in eight or ten years on the basis of this discovery a new drug will be created. Provided that the result is confirmed and brought to clinically significant indicators.” But if, for example, the national medical research center of Oncology reports the completion of clinical trials of such a drug with a positive result, in this case, you can rejoice in the appearance of a new drug in the Arsenal of oncologists.

It remains to explain why the title contains the words “well forgotten”, and it will be possible to put an end.

The fact that the use of bacteria for the treatment of cancer took place at the end of the XIX century. American surgeon William Kohli noticed that after erysipelas or scarlet fever, that is, after infectious diseases caused by the bacterium Streptococcus piogenes, a number of cancer patients regress [27] tumors. Kohli created a vaccine, a drug from killed streptococci, for the treatment of sarcomas [28] and other cancers. The vaccine was good for its safety, in that it had about the same effect on tumors as live bacteria, but did not cause an infectious disease that could worsen the condition of patients. Subsequently, Kohli began to prepare his vaccine based on two bacteria. William Kohli’s cancer vaccine, according to his own reports, gave positive results, but the scientific community did not believe these results, believing that Kohli was “rigging” the data in order to advertise his vaccine. Oncologists of that time were inclined to trust chemotherapy, but not some vaccine that works it is unclear how. With chemotherapy, it was clear – poisons kill tumor cells.

Now any immunologist will explain how the Coli vaccine worked – it stimulated the immune system “in General”, and” in particular ” at the same time tumor cells were destroyed. Immunology and then took his first steps and many did not know how to explain. But nowadays immunotherapy of cancer is one of the recognized methods of treatment and is actively developing. In the Arsenal of immunotherapies there are vaccines created on the basis of streptococci. Their effectiveness in some types of cancer is not in doubt. Only need to account for, that apply these vaccines not in as a the principal, and in as a subsidiary means treatment.

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